Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore

Getting Ready to Go Home Again. Episode 13.

As the days wore on, Jacob more and more was immersed in the city life once again, with little time to think of the world he left behind. Jake’s picture and Betty Lou’s note were no longer kept close to his heart, but instead were face down on his dresser where the homesickness could be kept at bay.

He thought about them both tonight, got up from the chair where he had begun to write in his journal for the day, put the journal down, and stood in front of the dresser where the two treasured items had been left. He turned them over and stared at them, as memories flooded back, little Jake who bravely promised to take care of everything while Jacob was away, sweet Betty Lou who had been his friend for decades and had endured similar sadness so much better than he had. He held Jake’s picture and Betty Lou’s note to his heart and smiled, and then put them back, face down on the dresser once again.

He sat back down, picked up his journal, and wrote.

Wonder what it’s like back home tonight. The pretty sunset, the quiet, so unlike here in this city, the trees blowing in the soft breeze, the smell of the land that I love so much, the dear ones that I love so. Surely they have forgotten me or perhaps I just feel like feeling sorry for myself tonight as I’m missing the life I left behind so very much!

Perhaps the blacktop has finally blanketed the dust that made Maddie sick so that she had to die and leave me. Betty Lou’s Jason died in the War defending all he held dear. Was that a better death? A sadder one? A more noble one? I reckon, death is all the same, stealing a life away from those who loved them. We left behind have to go on and live for them now too, I suppose, not feel sorry for ourselves but live lives worthy of the love we had for the ones who are gone. Maybe that is something Betty Lou would say or did say and I just didn’t want to hear it. My goodness, I do need to get out of the mulligrubs tonight!

And with that, Jacob closed his journal, got up, walked over to the dresser and tucked Betty Lou’s note and Jake’s picture into the shirt pocket closest to his heart after taking a long look at them both. He sat back down in the chair, closed his eyes, and smiled, remembering.

Previous Episodes. Even If They Don’t Ride Horses Anymore
Aunt Daisy & Caleb. Episode 1
July 4th, 1900. Episode 2
Keepsakes. Episode 3
A Better Way. Episode 4
Unfinished Business. Episode 5
Looking Down That Road. Episode 6
Not Looking Back Any More. Episode 7
The Wheels of Time Turn. Episode 8
The Blue Box. Episode 9
It’s Time to “Bring It.”Episode 10
Another Day Far From Home. Episode 11
Time Marches On. Episode 12

Mary Ann DiLorenzo

To learn more about Hummingbird Contributor Mary Ann DiLorenzo, click here.


Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore