Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore

It’s Time to “Bring It.” Episode 10.

Jacob knocked on the door, and almost immediately Uncle Harold opened it. “Jacob old boy! Come in! Come in! It was a good trip I assume?”

“Uncle Harold, it’s so nice to see you again. And I’m so thankful for your help.”

“Don’t mention it. I always liked you, no matter what the rest of my esteemed family said about you, wink, wink!” Uncle Harold’s attempt at humor only made Jacob remember how much the Darwintons made him feel like the lowly poor relation that he truly was. Only Aunt Daisy had been kind to him and he would always be grateful.

“And how is Miss Daisy, the old gal? I do miss her, I must say. She was very kind indeed.” And Jacob believed Uncle Harold meant it too. Everyone loved Aunt Daisy.

“She’s married now, to our Caleb Nelson, the owner of the general store.”

“You don’t say! Yes, now that you mention it, I do recall hearing she was back in town tending to some things. I must have been busy, or, I’m not quite sure why I didn’t have time for her…hmm, well, I just don’t know actually. Sorry old boy.”

The Darwintons were an interesting group of people. The world seemed to revolve around them, in their own eyes at least. It astounded Jacob at times over the years and today was no different. He never quite got used to it. Rural Kansas seemed a lifetime away already, yet forward one step at a time he would go.

“Uncle Harold, is Mr. Castleton’s office nearby? You were going to introduce me?”

“Mr. Castleton’s office is at the end of the street, a tall building with his name on it, you can’t miss it. He will be expecting you. Run along now before he takes his long lunch, wink, wink, old boy! See you tonight. You can stay in the smaller guest room while you are here.”

“Thank you, Uncle Harold.” And with that Jacob showed himself out while Uncle Harold was busy admiring his new haircut in the mirror.

Let’s see, end of the street, Jacob said to himself, and immediately he saw it looming up ahead. All glass and it was tall. And there was Castleton’s name, across the top, in large letters. As he opened the door to the building, Jacob thought, well, here goes.

“I’m looking for Mr. Castleton. He’s expecting me. My name is Jacob Strong.”

“Yes, Mr. Strong. He’s ready for you. Come this way please.” At the end of a long corridor was a cavernous office with a polished wooden floor. “Mr. Strong, very pleased to meet you.”

“Thank you for meeting with me sir.”

“I hear you can write.”

“Yes, I suppose I can sir.”

“And you can go back to before the War, Harold tells me.”

“Yes, that’s correct sir.”

“Very well then Mr. Strong. Let’s see how it goes.”

“Looking forward to it sir. Much obliged.”

Previous Episodes. Even If They Don’t Ride Horses Anymore
Aunt Daisy & Caleb. Episode 1
July 4th, 1900. Episode 2
Keepsakes. Episode 3
A Better Way. Episode 4
Unfinished Business. Episode 5
Looking Down That Road. Episode 6
Not Looking Back Any More. Episode 7
The Wheels of Time Turn. Episode 8
The Blue Box. Episode 9

Mary Ann DiLorenzo

To learn more about Hummingbird Contributor Mary Ann DiLorenzo, click here.


A Memory.


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