Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore
Getting Ready to Go Home Again. Episode 13.
Jacob is getting closer to completing the “mission” that called him away. And, getting ready to make his way home. An historical fiction series by Mary Ann DiLorenzo.
Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore
Time Marches On. Episode 12.
With no word from Jacob, his “people” back home are beginning to wonder when he is coming back. Or if. Time marches on. An historical fiction series by Mary Ann DiLorenzo.
Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore
Another Day Far From Home Episode 11.
Will they remember him back home when he returns? Jacob worries, but he is certain that his mission is essential. An historical fiction series by Mary Ann DiLorenzo.
Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore
It’s Time to “Bring It.” Episode 10.
Becoming part of history. The wheels have been set in motion and it’s time to see what “Jacob’s got.” An historical fiction series by Mary Ann DiLorenzo.