Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore

Time Marches On. Episode 12.

The days turned into weeks and the blue box full of letters would soon be overflowing. Jake never again questioned whether his grampa would return and he waited faithfully and patiently for his return home. Willie and Betty Lou had hoped for some news, but there were no letters from Jacob to either of them.

 Miss Morgan, or fondly, Lula Belle, assured them Jacob must be on some great adventure that he was probably already bursting to get home to tell them. Miss Morgan had adapted well to rural Kansas and she and Betty Lou had become good friends. Miss Morgan was the perfect complement to Betty Lou at the restaurant, always experimenting with new main dishes and desserts, many of which the two would put together in the evenings in the kitchen of Betty Lou’s home, now happily shared with Miss Morgan. Betty Lou was glad to have Miss Morgan for company and friendship in her life. Madeline had been her dear, dear friend over the years and her death left a void in Betty Lou’s life that Miss Morgan had somehow begun to fill.

On one such evening, while trying out a chocolate caramel pecan cream pie creation, Miss Morgan pondered out loud, “I wonder, Betty Lou, do you think Jacob is really coming back? No letters, no word at all, seems that grand adventure of his may not lead back to this dusty old town. What do you think about all this? It’s sweet you and Jake writing all those missing him letters for when he gets back, but do you think he’s coming back, I mean, really now?”

Betty Lou seemed to gather her thoughts before responding. “Well, this I am sure of. I have known Jacob since we were young’uns and he has never lied, reckon as far as I know anyway. I know when he left he had every intention of comin’ back because he said he’d be back. I hope he does return one day or little Jake’s heart will be broken real bad.”

“What about you, Betty Lou? How about your heart?” Miss Morgan, ever the romantic, just had to know.

“My heart was broken many years ago during the War when I lost Jason. Ain’t no further breakin’ anyone could do.”

“I see,” Miss Morgan said after a moment. And they continued on with putting the pie together, without another word about Jacob.

Previous Episodes. Even If They Don’t Ride Horses Anymore
Aunt Daisy & Caleb. Episode 1
July 4th, 1900. Episode 2
Keepsakes. Episode 3
A Better Way. Episode 4
Unfinished Business. Episode 5
Looking Down That Road. Episode 6
Not Looking Back Any More. Episode 7
The Wheels of Time Turn. Episode 8
The Blue Box. Episode 9
It’s Time to “Bring It.”Episode 10
Another Day Far From Home. Episode 11

Mary Ann DiLorenzo

To learn more about Hummingbird Contributor Mary Ann DiLorenzo, click here.


Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore


Nobody's Girl