Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore
It’s Time to “Bring It.” Episode 10.
Becoming part of history. The wheels have been set in motion. it’s time to see what “Jacob’s got.” An historical fiction series by Mary Ann DiLorenzo.
Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore
The Blue Box. Episode 9.
As one day rolled into the next Jacob’s grandson found that waiting is hard. For the grown-ups too. An historical fiction series by Mary Ann DiLorenzo.
Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore
The Wheels of Time Turn. Episode 8.
It’s clear that Jacob knows what he has to do. But, it’s not easy to leave the ones you love… for however long that is. Historical fiction series by Mary Ann DiLorenzo.
Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore
Not Looking Back Any More. Episode 7.
Betty Lou offers Jacob advice on the burden of guilt. Historical fiction series by Mary Ann DiLorenzo.
Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore
Looking Down That Road. Episode 6.
Jacob tells Betty Lou he has to take care of his unfinished business. Leaving isn't easy. Historical fiction series by Mary Ann DiLorenzo.
Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore
Unfinished Business. Episode 5.
Jacob has to leave for an indefinite period to take care of some unfinished business. Historical fiction series by Mary Ann DiLorenzo. Follow Jacob Strong and his family as they experience life in the new century in rural Kansas.
Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore
A Better Way. Episode 4.
Jacob knew he had to find a better way to pass his family’s history to the next generation. Historical fiction series by Mary Ann DiLorenzo. Follow Jacob Strong and his family as they experience life in the new century in rural Kansas.
Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore
Keepsakes. Episode 3.
A special box for family keepsakes to pass through the generations. Historical fiction series by Mary Ann DiLorenzo. Follow Jacob Strong and his family as they experience life in the new century in rural Kansas.
Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore
July 4th, 1900. Episode 2.
The first Fourth of July of the Century. Historical fiction series by Mary Ann DiLorenzo. Follow Jacob Strong and his family as they experience life in the new century in rural Kansas.
Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore
Aunt Daisy & Caleb. Episode 1.
Aunt Daisy finds true happiness. The perfect segue to this new historical fiction series by Mary Ann DiLorenzo. Follow Jacob Strong and his family as they experience the life during the turn of the century in rural Kansas.