The Flirt.
A Short Story by Ann Pogue.
Set in an Ethiopian restaurant, The Flirt is clearly NOT about the food. A beautifully written story. You can feel the rhythm of it.
Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore
Unfinished Business. Episode 5.
Jacob has to leave for an indefinite period to take care of some unfinished business. Historical fiction series by Mary Ann DiLorenzo. Follow Jacob Strong and his family as they experience life in the new century in rural Kansas.
Tips from a Master for Writing a Successful Story
Words of Advice from Kurt Vonnegut.
The eight essential ingredients of a successful story, according to Kurt Vonnegut. No need to say more!
Emerging Writer Contest 4!
Open Call. All Writers are Welcome!
Get published! Submissions deadline August 24, 2024. Click thru for details.
Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore
A Better Way. Episode 4.
Jacob knew he had to find a better way to pass his family’s history to the next generation. Historical fiction series by Mary Ann DiLorenzo. Follow Jacob Strong and his family as they experience life in the new century in rural Kansas.
Emerging Writer Contest. Prior Winning Entries.
Share Your Story!
Click thru for prior Winning Stories. If you’ve always wanted to be a published author, we welcome your submission(s) to Emerging Writer Contest 4!
Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore
Keepsakes. Episode 3.
A special box for family keepsakes to pass through the generations. Historical fiction series by Mary Ann DiLorenzo. Follow Jacob Strong and his family as they experience life in the new century in rural Kansas.
Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore
July 4th, 1900. Episode 2.
The first Fourth of July of the Century. Historical fiction series by Mary Ann DiLorenzo. Follow Jacob Strong and his family as they experience life in the new century in rural Kansas.
Life Short. The Big Tease
Variable Spring Weather
And I so wanted to take my daily walk. A humorous lament by Lynda Bernard.
Even If They Don't Ride Horses Anymore
Aunt Daisy & Caleb. Episode 1.
Aunt Daisy finds true happiness. The perfect segue to this new historical fiction series by Mary Ann DiLorenzo. Follow Jacob Strong and his family as they experience the life during the turn of the century in rural Kansas.
Walls That Were Meant to Protect
What was inside the walls was a life that was quite different than it appeared. A story about life in post WWII Germany. By Helene Munson.