Emerging Writer Contest 4 Winning Story is Announced.
The Authors of Hummingbird Emerging Writer Contest 4 are Revealed!
Winning story Cherry Eyes by Marijana Mrvos, and Runner-Up story, The Other Side of the Counter, by Dorothy Konarski are announced. Thank you Authors and Hummingbird Readers for a great contest! Please click thru for more details.
Cherry Eyes. Winning Story.
Cherry Eyes by Marijana Mrvos is the Hummingbird Emerging Writer Contest 4 Winning Story!
Congratulations Marijana! Cherry Eyes received the most votes as "favorite story" from Hummingbird readers. Thank you Hummingbird Readers!! Please click thru to read Cherry Eyes.
The Flirt.
A Short Story by Ann Pogue.
Set in an Ethiopian restaurant, The Flirt is clearly NOT about the food. A beautifully written story. You can feel the rhythm of it.