Women Friends
Most Important Relationships
Going back to the earliest times, women depend on their relationships with their closest friends. “Girlfriends are essential when life goes sideways.” By Angela Rieck.
Some Thoughts After Valentine’s Day
What if…
The Valentine’s Day “love” is extended… if we all extended ourselves. Lynda Bernard wonders “What would a little love cost me?” What if we all extended ourselves together?
Scenes from the Dog Park
Dog parks are the new water coolers.
Creating a sense of community. Just grab your dog and go! By Angela Rieck.
Betty Gordon, 94 and Crushing It.
We Can All Do Something Great.
A heartwarming story. Self-publishing a book, saving a friend… Betty Gordon is feeling fortunate at age 94, having just completed her best year yet!
In it Together
Because This is the U.S.A., and This is Who We Are.
We see that in times of need, America is one big community, and when we help each other, it makes us remember who we really are, and can be.
Just An Ordinary Day
How Lucky are We.
Sharing a day with time for diversions. How fortunate we are to live here. Counting blessings. By Sandra Novick