Hearing in a Deaf World
My Story. Part Seven. The Final Chapter.
A few closing comments and anecdotes, and the story of Donna's mother's strength in the face of illness. By Donna Wetjen.
Hearing in a Deaf World
My Story. Part Six.
"My dad spoke five languages by the time he contracted those mumps" that resulted in his hearing loss. Some backstory about becoming deaf. By Donna Wetjen.
Hearing in a Deaf World
My Story. Part Five.
Feeling the responsibility of a guardian as a child. "How will my mother know?" By Donna Wetjen.
Best Overheard Airport Dad Quote Today
A Bonus Life Hack!
"Emma come here. Mommy doesn't like anyone right now." No truer words spoken. Planning your travel days wisely. By Sandra Novick
Hearing in a Deaf World
My Story. Part Four.
“In today’s world, there is more empathy for those who are ‘different,’ but I know we have a long way to go.” By Donna Wetjen
Wrinkles, Over Time
There They Are. Nowhere to Hide.
Wrinkles tell my life’s story. A Life Short by Lynda Bernard.
Hearing in a Deaf World
My Story. Part Three.
“When the TTY was invented, the deaf community was elated.” By Donna Wetjen
Hearing in a Deaf World
My Story. Part Two.
“As we got older, the fact that our parents were deaf became more and more advantageous to my brother and me… ” By Donna Wetjen
Hearing in a Deaf World
My Story. Part One.
“People tend to be surprised that deaf culture is a ‘thing,’ but it is…I invite you into the world I grew up in, as a hearing child.” By Donna Wetjen
Berlin - Lost in Cultural Translation
How to Inadvertently Alienate People.
About Berlin: An “innocent” conversation about Berlin gone amiss. Why? Could be the American propensity to brag vs. the German way—to humblebrag. Helene Munson tells us more.