A “New Sacred Ritual”
March Feelings
A New Sacred Ritual. Both inspirational and grounding. Take a moment. Food for thought by @rockinruski
Daisy Says. Super Bowl 2025.
Daisy’s Thoughts on Super Bowl 2025.
She’s rooting for the Eagles, but has some great things to say about the Chiefs too. And that Andy Reid… She also offers up some advice from the canine perspective. Are you listening Doritos?
Love Hacks
Supply and Demand.
Who wouldn't want to know a few "quick fixes" for a better marriage? It’s a matter of supply and demand— in this case emotional. By Sandra Novick.
Out Of Control.
Time to Think.
Lately, everything seems so discombobulated. Not just for me, but for most people I know. It seems we are out of control. By Sandra Novick
September 11, 2001. We Will Never Forget.
23 Years. Still Our Hearts Ache.
We Will Never Forget...You. Poignant and heart wrenching words from Catherine Hernandez in 2008. So much of our country's story is told here. Indeed, we must never forget.
There's something special about September.
Come September, demand explodes--supermarkets can't keep them on the shelves! A memory, by Sandra Novick.
Best Overheard Airport Dad Quote Today
A Bonus Life Hack!
"Emma come here. Mommy doesn't like anyone right now." No truer words spoken. Planning your travel days wisely. By Sandra Novick
Just An Ordinary Day
How Lucky are We.
Sharing a day with time for diversions. How fortunate we are to live here. Counting blessings. By Sandra Novick
Feeling Old? No Need To…
3 Proven Tips
To aging “exuberantly.” More Life Hacks. By Sandra Novick
A Dog Named Lucky
The Golden Years
Sunny skies, a stress-filled world, “golden year decisions,” my friend’s bike crack-up, and a morning walk through Sag Harbor. It all comes together. A bit of a ramble by Sandra Novick.
Days With Daisy. 6 Months Old.
6 Months Old.
A Hummingbird series, Days With Daisy. More about Daisy, also known as the Divine Miss D., and experiencing the simple pleasures of life. By Sandra Novick.