Women Friends
Most Important Relationships
Going back to the earliest times, women depend on their relationships with their closest friends. “Girlfriends are essential when life goes sideways.” By Angela Rieck.
Scenes from the Dog Park
Dog parks are the new water coolers.
Creating a sense of community. Just grab your dog and go! By Angela Rieck.
The Tyranny of Dinner
What’s For Dinner?
The question that challenges us throughout life… if we are lucky enough. Some food for thought by Angela Rieck.
A New Rx: Friends and Family
Prescription for Today
One out of 3 people feel lonely. Friends and family can make it better. Angela Rieck provides insight into the effects of the loneliness epidemic in the U.S.
The Ingrate
Things I am NOT Grateful For.
Humor—mostly! Angela Rieck pokes some fun at herself with her list of things she is not grateful for.
Savor the Missteps
Wedding Season...
June is just around the corner and wedding season really seems to be a “thing” again! The things we remember. By Angela Rieck.
The Landlord’s Game
Women’s History Month
The true story of “where Monopoly came from!” To celebrate Women’s History Month, this year I am going to profile Lizzie Magie. “Who? I hadn’t heard of her either.” By Angela Rieck
Women’s History Month
A Blueprint for Courage
A story of girls and women who became world class athletes, victims, and heroines. By Angela Rieck.