Book Shorts. Reviews in a Nutshell.
The Inspector Armand Gamache series
by Louise Penny
To say enough good things about these (now 18) books, I’d have to use every “great” adjective in the dictionary. The best writing, the most intriguing plots, the most interesting characters, totally addictive, and as satisfying as eating chocolate. They all revolve around the Canadian village of Three Pines. Chief Inspector Gamache is the main character, the eccentric village residents are part of every book. Start with book one, get to know the people, you may wind up wanting to live in Three Pines. I do!
Inspector Gamache Books by Date of Publication
1. Still Life (2005)
2. Dead Cold / A Fatal Grace (2006)
3. The Cruellest Month / The Cruelest Month (2007)
4. A Rule Against Murder / The Murder Stone (2008)
5. The Brutal Telling (2009)
6. Bury Your Dead (2010)
7. A Trick of the Light (2011)
8. The Beautiful Mystery (2012)
9. How the Light Gets In (2013)
10. The Long Way Home (2014)
11. The Nature of the Beast (2015)
12. A Great Reckoning (2016)
13. Glass Houses (2017)
14. Kingdom of the Blind (2018)
15. A Better Man (2019)
16. All the Devils Are Here (2020)
17. The Madness of Crowds (2021)
18. A World of Curiosities (2022)
Review by Lynda Bernard
January 11, 2024
So many books, so little time. Right, right - we’ve all heard it many times. Hummingbird's new BOOK SHORTS will present book reviews you can read in a minute and capture the essence of the story, thumbnail reviews that hopefully will entice you into your next read. I read constantly. My tastes vary, so I’ll review books that I love, not necessarily current books. Other HB contributors will review books that follow their interests, both newly published and past. All in all, we’ll review books we think are captivating, compelling, unputdownable. If you’re looking for a good book to take to the beach, make that long commute shorter, or curl up with, hopefully our reviews will help you find it. Lynda Bernard
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