Just Folks. Sketchbook Reflections.

Hummingbird Sketchbook Retrospective

On New Year’s Day, I decided it would be a great time to review some of my past sketchbooks to gauge how far I've come. In the process, I was reminded of past ideas while igniting new ones! While these books have always been “works in progress,” they cover several years of practice, experimenting, making messes, while having fun! There are few better experiences that I know of than working with wet translucent pigments and watching them merge and react together on paper that get me in the zone. I truly love it!

Ironically though, I can recall being very hard on myself a lot of the time as I look at these pages. Why is that? Many of us live with that harsh voice, right? Recently, I heard a quote from another creative who said that “done is better than good” which made me realize how hung up I was on perfection. That’s it. Since thenI've kept  this quote on a post-it-note at my desk and it’s been helping. Truthfully, I am feeling proud of my progress and I don’t want to take myself so seriously anymore. Stepping away from something can help provide the needed  perspective and inspire self-improvement.  Letting go of perfection is a biggie, and perfect timing as we move into the New Year. Perfection is overrated LOL!

 Happy 2025 Everyone!  

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View more of Tina's work on her website or on instagram.  You can also learn more about Tina’s work on her Facebook page.

Prints of selected images are available for sale.  For further information, please contact Tina Folks directly at Tina Folks or through Hummingbird by clicking here

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Tina Folks

To learn more about Hummingbird Contributor Tina Folks, click here.


Just Folks. The Lunar New Year.


Just Folks. Three Cups of Tea.