Afternoon Reflection. Post 7.

Something drawn from literature, journalism, music, or conversation that could have meaning for you.

Mull of Kintyre
Paul McCartney & Wings

Upon waking this morning, I felt a need to capture some feeling of peace… after all, it’s been nothing short of a wild ride these days. Of course I turned to nature and music. Thank you Paul McCartney. Please listen through to the bag pipes. You must! You are in for such a treat. The natural beauty, and the sense of community as the people from nearby all joined in, is quite a sight. You won’t be sorry, I promise.

Click here for Mull of Kintyre, by a much younger Paul McCartney & Wings. I guess we were younger then too.

Barry Novick

To learn more about Hummingbird Contributor Barry Novick, click here.


Afternoon Reflection. Post 18.