Book Shorts. Reviews in a Nutshell.


Creation Lake.

Rachel Kushner

Creation Lake by Rachel Kushner is the story about a woman working as an undercover operative (alias Sadie Smith) for private, secretive, wealthy clients. Her current assignment is to infiltrate and undermine a left-wing farming group in a rural region of France that is out to subvert the government's efforts to divert river waterways and create a huge watershed to be controlled by mega corporations for profit. During the course of completing the initiative, Sadie encounters an elderly philosopher guru for the anarchist farm group.

Everything changes for Sadie as she embraces his teachings. The result is a crisis of self-doubt leading to a shift in her view of herself in relation to those around her. The writing is crisp and the characters are true. This was a great read.

Review by Barry Novick
October 17, 2024

So many books, so little time. Right, right - we’ve all heard it many times. Hummingbird's new BOOK SHORTS will present book reviews you can read in a minute and capture the essence of the story, thumbnail reviews that hopefully will entice you into your next read. I read constantly. My tastes vary, so I’ll review books that I love, not necessarily current books. Other HB contributors will review books that follow their interests, both newly published and past. All in all, we’ll review books we think are captivating, compelling, unputdownable. If you’re looking for a good book to take to the beach, make that long commute shorter, or curl up with, hopefully our reviews will help you find it. Lynda Bernard

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Barry Novick

To learn more about Hummingbird Contributor Barry Novick, click here.


Book Shorts. Reviews in a Nutshell.


Book Shorts. Reviews in a Nutshell.