Editor’ Note: Our view of the eclipse seemed to be a non-event here in Sag Harbor. It was as though our “outside light” was on a dimmer switch, and the level of darkness not unlike when the sky darkens before a big storm—with cloud cover but without the dark storm clouds. I felt-- how can this be it? People traveling from all over the world to the swath of North America (where we are so close!) to see it?
A photo of the eclipse at its peak on Long Island, 3:26 p.m. from Hauppauge. © Jim Lennon
So thinking quick, I grabbed my laptop and live streamed while watching it here. The live streaming in Niagara Falls and Lake Placid was truly AWESOME, as in awe inspiring -- the synchronicity of the moving planets and our place in this large, complicated universe. Almost like the internal working of a clock setting. Just spectacular. And the pitch black darkness. The news broadcaster was overcome with emotion. And, it is nothing short of amazing that millions of people shared this experience.
And then I saw Jim Lennon's images and it all came together— and in fact, here, there and everywhere it was an incredible experience.
Jim Lennon is an extremely accomplished photographer and captures light like few others can, often with “show-stopping” results. He is a master. Humbly, he says that “the Universe created the event, I was lucky to bear witness!”
Indeed he did.
For the photographers out there, Jim used a 200-500mm Nikon Lens and a 1.4x Tele Converter @ 600mm with a 16x Neutral Density filter, a 1/3200 sec shutter speed @ f/40 setting for the crescent sun and and a 1/3200 sec shutter speed @ f/8 for the smiling sun behind the clouds.
All in a day’s work for Jim, much to our good fortune. These are among my favorite photos of the 2024 eclipse.
Please click on the photo above to enlarge.
The Moon and Sun at 3:50 p.m. Some passing clouds threw in a little extra drama. © Jim Lennon